Having a strong preflop strategy is an essential part of winning poker. Without a solid foundation for preflop play, you’re fighting an uphill battle that makes winning long term much more difficult.This set of preflop poker charts for No Limit Texas Holdem Cash, Short Deck and NLHE Tournament poker will start you off on the right track.Download the free poker hands charts from the links below to discover optimal preflop strategy.These preflop ranges are meant for off the table study. On many sites, it is against the rules to use poker charts whilst playing. We recommend checking the Terms & Conditions of your site. If it is prohibited, do not use them in game!To make the preflop ranges easier to remember, mixed strategies have been rounded to the nearest 50%.GTO strategy produced by poker solvers involves a lot of mixing, which means that a particular hand combo may take one action some % of the time, and take another action some other % of the time. For example, raise 80% and fold 20%.The preflop charts in the list below have action frequencies rounded to 50% as that is a good compromise to simplify the ranges enough to remember more easily, without sacrificing too much EV.For a bigger selection of games and stack sizes, and poker charts for every possible preflop situation, check out our subscriptions. Each comes with access to all the GTO charts in the Range Viewer, plus personalized training courses in the GTO Poker Trainer.No Limit Holdem CashNo Limit Holdem TournamentsShort Deck HoldemSpin & Go, and Hyper TurbosPLO & PLO5Free No Limit Texas Holdem Cash Preflop Charts6 max 100z 100bb6 max poker charts for playing 100bb deep in higher rake, small stakes games with Pokerstars 100z rake structure.6 max 500z 40bb6 max poker charts for playing 40bb deep in games with Pokerstars 500z rake structure.6 max 500z 100bb6 max poker charts for playing 100bb deep in games with Pokerstars 500z rake structure.6 max 500z 200bb6 max poker charts for playing 200bb deep in games with Pokerstars 500z rake structure.HU 500z 100bbHeads Up poker charts for playing 100bb deep in games with Pokerstars 500z rake structure.HU GG Poker 200NL 100bbHeads Up poker charts for playing 100bb deep in games with GG Poker 200NL rake structure.9 max 100bb9 handed poker charts for playing 100bb deep in full ring live cash games.8 max Straddle No Ante 100str8 max poker charts for playing in live straddle games 200bb (100 straddle) deep.Free No Limit Holdem Tournament Preflop Charts8 max 100bb8 max MTT poker charts for playing 100bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%).8 max 60bb8 max MTT poker charts for playing 60bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%).8 max 50bb8 max MTT poker charts for playing 50bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%).8 max 40bb8 max MTT poker charts for playing 40bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%).8 max 30bb8 max MTT poker charts for playing 30bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%).8 max 20bb No Limp8 max MTT poker charts for playing 20bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%). These are GTO preflop charts solved without the option of limping preflop to make them easier to remember and implement in game.8 max 10bb No Limp8 max MTT poker charts for playing 10bb deep in a tournament with 1bb ante (12.5%). These are GTO preflop charts solved without the option of limping preflop to make them easier to remember and implement at the tables.Free Short Deck Preflop Charts5 max 50a5 max Short Deck poker charts for playing with stacks of 50a.
NLHE 6-max 100bb Raise First In Ranges