What’s included in the RangeConverter subscription?
After purchasing a Range REG or Range PRO subscription, you’ll have online access to both range viewer and GTO poker trainer. To find out more about REG and PRO, go to Range REG vs Range PRO.
Our GTO trainer enables you to focus on improving specific skills and testing them by playing against our GTO bots. It includes Pathways - a comprehensive one-click personalized GTO poker training program for everyone who wants to learn gto poker strategy (including beginners!), level up their poker skills and become a well-rounded, solid player at any poker game type. Our GTO poker trainer allows you to practice preflop strategy as well as postflop strategy.
The Online Viewer is an online browsing tool designed to quickly and easily view poker ranges and study strategies from preflop to river. Apart from preflop ranges and strategy charts, RangeConverter range viewer also includes aggregated reports for every postflop spot, range composition and expected values (EVs).
You don’t need to have any GTO poker solver or download any software! In the Online Viewer you will be able to view the same spot across different stack depths as well as study opening ranges and much more!
Learn poker anywhere!
Our online range viewer and GTO poker trainer are interconnected, so that you can seamlessly switch from studying to playing against our GTO bots and learn poker strategy fast.