1. Our new viewer has been completely redesigned with a new interface and improved user experience for both mobile and desktop.
Range Converter online range viewer
2. All 22,100 flops (7,140 flops for ShortDeck) are now represented for every postflop spot. This makes it easy to look up the exact flop and runout as played in game. No need to manually substitute suits!
3. The new Strategy-React feature allows you to see the strategy for combos in your range and how those poker combos should react to actions from your opponent - all in one view. This feature is available for both preflop and postflop.
Knowing when to bet-fold, bet-call or bet-raise will help you make better decisions in real-time during a game.
4. New interactive info panel that allows you to compare ranges and view various detailed breakdowns.
This includes range vs range comparisons, breakdowns of a single player's range, and strategy by hand categories, e.g. made hands, draws and equity groups.
5. New histogram function that gives you an overview of the distribution of strategy, EV (expected value) and EQ (poker equity) across different positions, stack sizes and runouts.
This is a powerful tool that helps you better understand the overall strategic landscape and formulate well-rounded strategies for every situation.
And there's many more features to discover... check out the Online Range Viewer for yourself in your lobby!