In this article you’ll find answers to the most common questions about straddle poker.
If you are curious about how straddling affects strategy, what are the variants of straddle games or where to play straddle poker, keep scrolling down.
Range Converter 8max Straddle ranges are included in the NLHE Cash subscription.
What is Straddle Poker?
A straddle in poker is an optional blind bet made by a player before the hole cards are dealt. It is usually double the amount of the big blind and is most often placed by the player immediately to the left of the big blind.
The person who straddles is usually the last to act preflop. This is an advantageous position, and this is why straddling can be seen as buying the privilege of being the last to act.
The purpose of straddling is to create more action and increase the stakes in the game, however, not all poker variants allow it.
Understanding the rules and knowing how to adapt your strategy in straddle games will give you an edge over other players allowing you to exploit them and increase your win rate.
How does a straddle affect gameplay?
Posting a straddle directly affects the game dynamics. The additional blind bet effectively doubles the big blind and halves the effective stack, as well as increases the amount other players must bet. This leads to much bigger pots and results in significantly more aggressive play.
Straddles can also change the order of action pre-flop. The player who bets a straddle usually acts last before the flop. This gives them a positional advantage allowing them to gather maximum information from the other players before making their decision.
That said, because a straddle bet is always made blind, i.e. without seeing your hand first, it's not generally considered a profitable play.
How do you adjust your strategy for a straddle game in poker?
When playing a straddle poker game, it's important to make some adjustments to your strategy:
1. In non ante games with UTG acting as straddle, the button’s RFI range is slightly tighter. To adjust, fold the worst QXs, JXs, AXo, as well as the weaker suited 1 gappers that you might normally open from the button in a non straddle game.
2. Avoid limping in the Small Blind in no ante games. By playing an aggressive raise/fold strategy with a relatively tight range you’ll be putting pressure on the Big Blind. This way you will have a chance to benefit most from the position instead of bleeding money.
3. Open with an optimal size. In games without ante it’s around 2.5x-3x. The optimal raise size will vary depending on the ante, but in general, there is no need going 5x and losing money with a significant part of your range.
4. Check your stack size and keep an eye on your bankroll.
5. Avoid straddling if you're an inexperienced player or when you are short stacked.
Button’s opening strategy in non-straddle vs straddle pots
NLHE Cash subscription contains 8max 50-200 straddle games, with and without ante. You can browse the ranges as well as practice your game in the GTO trainer. With these online tools you can discover and learn the subtleties of straddle game strategy.
What are some common mistakes when using straddle
One common mistake is limping too much, especially from the Small Blind in no ante games. Since limping in straddle games is much more expensive, doing it too often results in consistently bleeding money in straddled pots.
Small Blind RFI strategy in straddle games
Another mistake is not considering the impact of the straddle bet on the game dynamics and not adjusting your strategy accordingly. Straddling effectively doubles the big blind and reduces the SPR (stack-to-pot ratio).
Straddling tends to loosen up the game and makes players shove more frequently. Inexperienced players who do not adapt their strategy accordingly run a serious risk of losing their bankroll.
Variants of Straddle Poker
There are several types of straddle bets in poker. The most common type is the Under the Gun (UTG) straddle, where the UTG (the player to the left of the big blind) bets twice the big blind before the dealer starts dealing the cards. This way the UTG player becomes the third blind and will be the last to act preflop.
Another type of straddle is the Mississippi straddle. In this game the straddle bet can be posted from any position but the blinds and for any value.It’s also possible to re-straddle in Mississippi straddle poker.
In button straddle poker the player on the button is allowed to post a straddle, which gives the player the advantage of acting last both preflop and postflop.
Classic double straddle allows for yet another additional re-straddle bet. This means that after the Under the Gun has made a classic straddle move, the player to his left can post an even bigger straddle, at least double the original straddle. The second straddle is therefore considered a fourth blind
In the un-capped straddle there are no limits on the straddle bet and players are allowed to straddle as much as they want or can without respecting the rule saying the straddle is twice the value of the big blind.
In sleeper straddle poker type the straddle bet becomes active only if the action folds to the player who posted the bet. It’s most often placed in late or middle positions. However, if any player in early position calls or makes a bet before the action reaches the player who placed the sleeper straddle, the bet is nullified. It can be taken back or serve as a minimum raise.
Straddle Poker Apps and Platforms
Straddle poker is most commonly played in live cash games, but a couple of online poker platforms also offer the option to straddle e.g. PokerBros (Voluntary All-positions Straddle selected during table set-up, as well as re-straddle option!), KKPoker, or PPPoker. They offer the players an opportunity to play real money poker in private poker clubs.
Another popular poker app that offers straddle poker is PokerMaster. However, unlike on the previously mentioned platforms, straddling here is automatic and not optional.
Straddle FAQ
Is it possible to win big in straddle poker games?
Yes, it is possible to win big in straddle poker games. Since a straddle effectively doubles the big blind, it also doubles the amount other players must bet, hence the stakes of the game increase. This in turn leads to significantly bigger pots and more aggressive play.
However, by the same token, it’s equally possible to lose big.
Is straddle a good strategy in poker?
As a blind bet, straddling is almost never considered a good poker strategy. It's important to keep in mind that the straddle bet is always made blind, i.e. without seeing your hand. Therefore, it's not considered a profitable play in itself and should be used with caution. As always, winning big in poker, be it straddle or not, requires a combination of skill, strategy, and luck.
In short, posting a straddle bet is more about excitement than it is about strategy. A straddle bet in poker results in more action pre and postflop. It can speed up a slow paced table and encourage tight players to step up to a more risky dynamic.
Are there any specific straddle preflop charts to follow in poker?
Yes! Range Converter offers preflop strategy charts for straddle games. 8max Straddle sims with stacks from 50 to 250 straddle, with and without ante are included in the NLHE Cash subscription.
They don’t consider rake and are therefore suitable for live and app games. Straddle strategy charts are most popular among players who play on apps like PokerMaster, where straddle is automatic, as well as on KKPoker, PPPoker or PokerBros, where straddling is optional, but commonly played.
Postflop and macro strategy reports are also available in Range Pro Cash subscription for 8max 100 Straddle SB Ante and 8max 100 Straddle no ante.
What is the difference between a straddle and a blind in poker?
A straddle is an additional and optional bet placed before the cards are dealt. It applies to blind poker games such as Texas Hold’em and Omaha poker. Straddle bet is usually twice the big blind amount and it doubles the stakes. It is most often made by the first player to the left of the big blind and it is only used in cash games with fixed blind systems.
Are there any risks to playing in a straddle game in poker?
Yes, there are some risks associated with playing straddle poker.
Every time you bet without seeing your hand first, the probability of losing money increases. Additionally, straddling player’s EV goes down and as the third blind, the straddle suffers similar disadvantages as the small and big blinds.
Another risk is the stack size shrinking. With it, the postflop advantage that a player might have over their opponents may be lost as well. Straddling has no effect on how hands are played postflop.
Bigger pots and higher stakes will result in an increased pressure. If you are an aggressive player, you’ll definitely enjoy the game more. More conservative players, on the other hand, believe that straddling ruins the poker game by making it into gambling rather than a skill and strategy contest.
While straddling has its risks and comes with certain disadvantages, it also gives you a positional advantage over your opponents by allowing you to act last and collect more information preflop.
Knowing when to straddle and how to play the three-blind poker will not only give you an edge over other players but will also allow you to enjoy this more dynamic poker variation.
Can’t wait to start studying straddle ranges?
Sign up to No Limit Holdem Cash and access the Online Range Viewer and GTO Trainer.