Aggregated Reports & Filters Feature Update

There has been a big update to the aggregated reports, filters and histogram features in the Online Range Viewer!

Highlights of the changes in this update:

  • - UI overhaul
  • - Filters control panel
  • - Average and filtered average rows added
  • - Columns added for flop suitedness and flop texture
  • - Board selection for display in the reports table
  • - Flop grouping by high card, suited, texture and extensive board category
  • - Many new statistics added for IP and OOP. Ability to customize the report for your poker study needs.
  • - Option to display any of the statistics in the flop histogram

See how to easily study macro poker strategy trends with our aggregated reports function!

This update makes study of macro poker strategy much easier, providing the resources to learn solid postflop strategy and discover patterns to apply to your game.

Aggregated reports are an essential study aid for both beginners and advanced players.

They are a great place to start when learning postflop strategy as you can see what the frequencies for the different actions should look like for different flops and flop types.

For more advanced players, it's a powerful tool with the flexibility to answer complex poker strategy queries by building and filtering your own custom reports, and visualizing the results in a graph.

As well as gaining new strategy insights, you can use it to simplify your game plan and uncover potential exploits for the player pool in your games. In other words, to play better poker.

New aggregated reports

How to access the reports?

All Range Pro subscriptions come with the aggregated reports, filters and graphing features included.

There are postflop reports for:

Read on for more details about the update 👇

UI overhaul

Reports Table UI

General tidy up and design update.

Action frequency stats are now styled differently to the EV, EQ and EQR stats.
Action frequency stats are the same color as in the strategy grid (fold=blue etc.) and instead of colouring in the whole cell, are represented by a bar with width proportional to the frequency %.

This makes the reports more friendly to look at, and much easier to read the table and skim it for information and patterns.

Aggregated macro strategy reports

Filters UI

There are many more stats and options available now. To make them easier to find, they have been grouped into collapsible filter categories.

Stats filter categories

Checkboxes have been added next to all the stats available in the filter, so you can control exactly what is displayed in the reports table.
If a stat is ticked, it will be visible as a column in the reports table. If unticked, it will be hidden.

General flop stats

The filter sliders next to each stat show the values for the low and high limit being filtered, allowing for more precision over results.

Moving the slider will only show matching flops that fall within the range set by the slider. e.g. flops where cbet is higher than 75%.
Filter sliders still work even for stats not being displayed.

Setting multiple slider filters allows you to build complex compound queries to get answers to poker macro strategy questions of your choosing.
e.g. to find flops where 1/3 pot cbet is higher than 75% AND OOP x/r vs 1/3 pot is higher than 15%

A reset all filters option has been added to return all the values and column visibility back to the default state.

Average values row added for all flops and filtered flops

These have been added to the top of the report, and are frozen at the top, so that they are always visible even when scrolling.

The top row contains the average value of all (unfiltered) flops. 1755 for NLHE and 573 for short deck.
If filters have been applied, the average values of the filtered flops are shown in the second row.
The number next to the filter icon in the Board column shows the % of flops that pass through the filters.

This allows you to see at a glance what the average play is in a spot, and whether a flop (or set of flops) is higher or lower than average for any stat. For example, lower than average fold, higher than average check raise.

Average values row added for all flops and filtered flops

Flops classified by suitedness and texture

New Columns have been added for Suited and Texture

For Suited, all flops are one of either:

  • - r (rainbow = 3 different suits)
  • - fd (flush draw = 2 cards of same suit)
  • - m (monotone = 3 cards of same suit)

For Texture, all flops are one of either:

  • - high paired (TTx-AAx)
  • - low paired (22x-99x)
  • - high connected (highest card T or more & connected)
  • - low connected (highest card 9 or less & connected)
  • - disconnected (not connected or paired)

Flops classified by suitedness and texture

As with all columns in the table, it's possible to sort these columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header.
To hide them, click the suited or texture checkbox in the General Stats section of the filters.

Board selection

To only show flops of a certain suitedness or texture, select according to your preferences in the Board Selection selection of the filters.

Board Selection selection filters

It's also possible to filter flops by extensive board categories, e.g.  Ace high rainbow, Ace high FD, 3BW, T high FD etc. 
There are over 30 categories to choose from, and multiple options can be selected, so you can see strategies specific to the flop types of your choosing.

Flop grouping

In the Grouping section of the filters menu, there are options to group flops in the table and histogram by

  • - None (default)
  • - High card (A,K,Q,J,T,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2)
  • - Suited
  • - Texture
  • - Extensive Board Categories

Flop grouping

Selecting one of the grouping options changes the row selection from flops to a group of flops meeting the chosen criteria.
After making a selection, each row in the table shows the average stats for each item in that category.

For example, grouping by high card shows the average stats for Ace high flops, King high flops, Queen high flops etc. Grouping by suited shows the average strategy for rainbow, flush draw and monotone flops.

The histogram will update to show groupings on the x axis instead of flops.

This is a quick and powerful way to discover high level winning poker strategy takeaways.

Grouping by high card

Grouping by flop texture

Histogram after grouping by flop texture

New statistics

Many new stats have been added!
Click the checkbox to add or remove the columns from the reports table, and use the slider for each to filter results.

The addition of all these stats combined with the filtering slider provides the ability to conduct powerful research to gain strategy insights for almost any flop situation you can think of.

Discover new macro patterns in spots to simplify your strategy or exploit opponents who are deviating wildly.

Here's a sample of what's available:

  • General

    • - Suited
    • - Connected
    • - OOP EV
    • - OOP EQ
    • - OOP EQR
    • - IP EV
    • - IP EQ
    • - IP EQR

  • Flop: OOP Strategy

    • - Check
    • - Bet x/y/z%

  • Flop: OOP vs x/y/z% bet

    • - OOP Fold vs x/y/z% bet Freq
    • - OOP Fold vs x/y/z% bet Global
    • - OOP Call vs x/y/z% bet Freq
    • - OOP Call vs x/y/z% bet Global
    • - OOP Check-raise [size] vs x/y/z% bet Freq

  • Flop: IP vs OOP Check

    • - IP Check
    • - IP bet x/y/z% Freq

  • - Flop: IP vs OOP x/y/z% Bet

    • - IP Fold vs x/y/z% bet Freq
    • - IP Fold vs x/y/z% bet Global
    • - IP Call vs x/y/z% bet Freq
    • - IP Call vs x/y/z% bet Global
    • - IP Raise [size] vs x/y/z% bet Freq
    • - IP Raise [size] vs x/y/z% bet Global

Frequency stats show how often a play is made once getting to that spot. 
For example, how often OOP x/r when IP bets after OOP check.

Global stats show how often a line occurs, taking into account the frequencies of the actions that lead to that spot.

For example, let's say OOP x/r with 50% frequency on a certain flop. But on this flop OOP should only check 10% of the time, and when facing a check IP should only bet 10% of the time. 
The x/r frequency is very high at 50%, but the spot hardly ever happens (0.5%).
Compare that to a flop where OOP x/r 15%. This time OOP checks flop 100% and IP bets 100%. In this case the x/r frequency is lower than in the first example, but OOP will get to x/r far more often (15%).

Global stats are useful for seeing how common spots and actions are relative to each other, allowing you to focus study on where it matters most; e.g. to find the most common x/r spot, as well as the flop you should x/r the most on.

Aggregated reports stats

See how to easily study macro poker strategy trends with our aggregated reports function!

Displaying macro poker strategy stats in the histogram

You can display any of the available stats on the histogram, giving a visual representation of how that statistic varies across all flops or just the filtered flops.

Clicking on the bar chart icon next to each stat in the filters menu updates the histogram to include that stat.
E.g. - display a graph showing OOP check raise frequency by flop, or IP EV by flop.

Sorting the table by clicking on a column header will update the histogram, so you can show OOP x/r % and organize from highest to lowest x/r value, or by any other sorting of your choice.

Click and drag over the histogram bars to zoom in on an area to get more detail. Click the magnifying glass icon to zoom back out.

Clicking on a bar loads the strategy for that flop in the viewer.

Click on the bar chart to include the stat and update the histogram

Aggregated reports histogram

Explore advanced 6max 100bb 500z poker strategy using aggregated reports with Range Pro.

You can check out all these features for free. Just sign up at and claim your free demo. 
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